Watlow Enriching Lives Foundation Fosters Collective Impact



The Watlow Enriching Lives Foundation (ELF), a corporate donor advised fund held at the St. Louis Community Foundation, celebrates a culture of support and community involvement. To date, the fund has granted out nearly $1 million to organizations across the globe.

Watlow Richmond’s “Adopt-AHighway” program

Envisioned by Watlow Electric Manufacturing Company Chairman Peter Desloge in 2017, and opened in 2018, the ELF “empowers team members through charitable giving and personal engagement to inspire future generations of technical talent.” The fund’s core components are LIFT: Leadership, Involvement, Family, and Teaching.

Another component of the ELF is Watlow’s Team Member Cares program, Watlow Team Members who are affected by weather catastrophes and other unforeseen events can receive financial support to assist with emergency shelter and medical expenses.

Angell Jackson (center in blue shirt), human resources manager in St. Louis, spoke with students at Building Futures to highlight future STEM careers in engineering and manufacturing in June 2021.

Watlow magnifies volunteerism to support charities. Team members who are giving time, talent, and treasure to nonprofits can submit grant and funding requests on behalf of the organizations which are important to them. Funding requests are reviewed and processed by the St. Louis Community Foundation. ELF funds have been deployed in many Watlow communities worldwide, alongside passionate Watlow volunteers. In St. Louis, the ELF sponsored Watlow teammates participating in fundraisers for causes such as the Komen Foundation’s Race for the Cure and the Multiple Sclerosis Muckfest fundraiser.

Watlow ATC team members participate in the “Multiple Sclerosis Muckfest”

Additionally, ELF funding expands access to STEM education team members, Watlow Family Members, and youth. Virtual events for students across Missouri bring hands-on opportunities to students in the areas of computer-aided design, manufacturing, and engineering. Through Building Futures, a nonprofit partner in St. Louis, ELF funding supports project-based learning for teaching design and building skills to area youths.

As new needs emerge, the ELF adapts. Recently, Watlow gathered donations to support Doctors Without Borders, the World Central Kitchen, and direct relief for humanitarian efforts related to the war in Ukraine.

Watlow’s commitment to improving the communities they are present in is remarkable, and they attract and inspire employees who find meaning in helping others. The St. Louis Community Foundation is honored to partner with Watlow in their efforts.

Click here to make a donation to the Watlow Enriching Lives Foundation.

Corporate giving services help businesses of all sizes discover how they can effectively extend their generosity and talents to the community, and provide for the caring of their valued associates. Click here to learn more about the St. Louis Community Foundation’s corporate services.