Mission possible.

Nonprofit organizations make the St. Louis region a better place to live every day through mission-centered work. We are here to support, strengthen and sustain the difference nonprofits make in our community.

Working with our donors, we help them impact causes they care deeply about and connect with nonprofits and community leaders doing effective work.

If you are a nonprofit interested in learning more about our grant opportunities, click here.

Our Expertise / Partnership

Nonprofit Support

We support nonprofit organizations by:

  • Working with donors to create the greatest financial impact for nonprofit organizations.
  • Strategizing with donors, nonprofits and community leaders for collaboration, enlightened perspectives and innovative solutions.
  • Helping nonprofits receive gifts of complex financial assets that your organization may not have the resources to accept.
  • Connecting with nonprofit organizations working in the areas of our donor’s interests.

Community Impact

Connecting for Impact.

Through our role as a community convener, we encourage collaboration between our donors, nonprofits and community leaders. Our collective impact touches lives and makes our region a more equitable and vibrant place to live and work.


Supporting Grantmaking

The St. Louis Community Foundation administers more than $15 million in annual grantmaking for private and family foundations, in addition to some of our own grant opportunities.

Give STL Day

We are a collaborative charitable giving resource.

Our annual, 24-hour day of giving has generated millions in funds and has inspired unprecedented change in the St. Louis region.

Stay Connected

From news and updates about Give STL Day to a variety of other resources for our partners and our community, we keep you in the know about all things charitable in the St. Louis area and beyond.

Sign Up for Our Newsletter >

Talk with a community engagement specialist today.

Elizabeth George

Director of Community Investment