Benefits of Employee Care Programs

Employee care programs are charitable funds established by companies to provide short-term financial assistance to associates impacted by natural disasters or personal emergencies. The St. Louis Community Foundation currently helps companies support over 30,000 associates, both locally and nationally. 

The Community Foundation offers a cost effective employee care program to provide compassionate, short-term financial assistance to associates in need. We help you set the parameters for the assistance your company wants to provide. We provide guidance and objectivity in setting up your company’s program to align with your corporate culture and meet the specific needs of your employee base. 

Why Choose an Employee Care Program?

Employee care programs allow your company to provide the support your employees need when disaster strikes.

  • Donations are tax deductible (company and associates) and tax free (recipient) and are compliant with IRS regulation
  • The privacy of associates is a priority
  • Grant award process is standardized and pays vendors
  • Awards are based on agreed upon criteria, creating a more equitable approach
  • Setup and fundraising occur before a qualifying event occurs, allowing for immediate response to a crisis
  • Company risk is reduced through full compliance with federal regulations

Our Services

We listen and customize care funds to incorporate a company’s culture and values.

  • Work with you to determine the qualifying events such as natural disasters, health crises, financial hardship, and other eligibility
  • Help define minimum and maximum grant amounts and frequency of employee eligibility
  • Help to determine how employee care will be funded: through employer donations, employee payroll deductions, employer matches, and/or vendor contributions

We efficiently manage employee care fund operations.

  • Objectively review assistance applications
  • Notify recipients and distribute payments
  • Maintain grant records and fund activity reporting

For More Information

Contact the Giving Strategies team at or (314) 588-8200.

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