Financial Assistance Funds For Restaurant, Bar, and Shop Employees and Owners Now Available;
How To Apply; Community Foundation Still Accepting and Encouraging Donations
(ST. LOUIS, March 21, 2020) – Restaurant, bar, shop, and entertainment venue owners and employees, and other qualifying applicants unable to work because of COVID-19 closure, are now able to assess their eligibility and apply for assistance from the Gateway Resilience Fund hosted by the St. Louis Community Foundation officials announced today.
Criteria and Application Process for the Gateway Resilience Fund
Individual applicants must be an employee, essential contractor, or owner of an independent bar, restaurant, entertainment venue, or retail shop located in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, or contiguous counties.
The Fund will make payments to vendors of up to $1,000, and $500 directly to individuals.
In addition, thanks to a contribution from the St. Louis Downtown Community Improvement District (CID), the Resilience Fund is prepared to make grants of $5,000 to small, locally-owned businesses in the CID’s 180-block area. The businesses must have at least five employees and have been open at least two years to apply..
“Bars, restaurants, and shops are the lifeblood of downtown’s resurgence and vibrancy,” said Missy Kelley, president and CEO of the St. Louis Community Improvement District. “We must do everything we can to support them, their employees, and their vendors during these unprecedented events.”
COVID-19 Regional Response Fund
In addition to the Gateway Resilience Fund, the St. Louis Community Foundation is hosting the COVID-19 Regional Response Fund, which will direct aid to nonprofits already working with the elderly, those isolated and/or quarantined, and children who no longer receive free and reduced lunches.
A coalition of more than 25 St. Louis area funders established the Regional Response Fund and includes: United Way of Greater St. Louis, Boniface Foundation, Catholic Charities, Clark-Fox Foundation, Episcopal Presbyterian Health Trust, Incarnate World Foundation, Gateway Center for Giving, Jewish Federation of St. Louis, Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis, Marillac Mission Fund, Missouri Foundation for Health, Regional Business Council and its affiliate Social Venture Partners, Saigh Foundation, St. Louis City Seniors Fund, St. Louis Mental Health Board, St. Louis Regional Chamber, City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Trio Foundation of St. Louis, Urban League of St. Louis, Washington University, Wells Fargo Advisors, and WestPort One.
Please Give! Here’s How
Individual, corporate and foundations contributions are being accepted and encouraged for both the Gateway Resilience Fund and the COVID-19 Regional Response Fund. Visit for details.
Together, both funds have raised $1.4 million to date. Grants from each will be guided by advisory committees unique to the mission of each fund.
About the St. Louis Community Foundation
A nonprofit foundation, founded in 1915, the St. Louis Community Foundation granted $101.3 million to nearly 3,000 nonprofits in St. Louis and around the world in 2019. The foundation also received more than $78 million in charitable gifts from its donors during the same period.
The foundation is composed of more than 750 charitable funds with total assets in excess of $500 million. Each fund represents a unique charitable giving partnership between an individual, family, or business and designated nonprofit recipients.
Over the last 10 years, the St. Louis Community Foundation and its donors made nearly $500 million in grants to charitable organizations, with approximately 85 percent of those dollars remaining in the St. Louis region to support local nonprofits.
For more information about the St. Louis Community Foundation and its initiatives, please visit