This web page on the Foundation’s website provides real-time, up-to-date information on the status of many different elements of the Give STL Day website. If you are a nonprofit participating in Give STL Day, this will be your go-to place to receive communications from the Give STL Day team on important updates throughout Give STL Day.

Please bookmark this page to check for site status updates on Give STL Day. If issues arise, we will update line items in the “Functionality” column with the following color coding:

  • Green = fully functional
  • Orange = function is working but has a known issue, resolution in progress
  • Red = function down or disabled, resolution in progress

Please check this webpage before communicating with any donors or contacting the Foundation about the site status of It may provide more information on the issue you have noticed and a potential resolution.

Current overall Give STL Day website status: FULLY FUNCTIONAL

Last update: May 7, 10:21 a.m.

Site Security and Privacy The website is secure.
Donation Processing All donation processing is working as expected.
General Site Usability/Speed Pages on are loading as expected.
Support Team The Give STL Day support team at Mightycause is online and answering questions via support tickets at
Nonprofit Search search functionality and filters are working as expected.
Leaderboards Leaderboards are up-to-date and reporting correct information.
Totals Displayed on Nonprofit Profiles All nonprofit-level totals are up-to-date on each nonprofit’s donation page, and are reporting accurate information.
Prizes  Prizes are being awarded as planned. Information displayed on the prizes page is up-to-date and accurate.
Donor Email Receipts Donors are receiving accurate and timely email receipts for their donations.
Fundraiser/Team Pages Fundraisers and teams are collecting donations.
Donation Reporting Donation report functions are updating accurately and timely. You may log into your account for up-to-date donation information.


Report a Problem

If you would like to report any issues regarding the functionality of the Give STL Day website, please call the St. Louis Community Foundation at (314) 588-8200.

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